"When" Is the Best Time to Get Organized?

We can take care of the “what” and “how” of organizing, but you’re the one who decides “when.” From experience, we know there are some times in life that are better to make the change in your life and become more organized. There are a lot of factors that come into deciding that now is the time to get organized.

For me, staying home for Covid was the time that I needed to finally get all the systems in place to get and stay organized for good. With so much extra time at home, it was my perfect opportunity to make the choices I needed to make for my life going forward. It was easy to realize that if we’re not going to read these books, or play these games, or make these crafts NOW, we’re never going to, and we could pass the items on to families who could make use of those items.

While thankfully, Covid days are behind us, there are other transition points in life that make it easier to change your space and your habits to live a more organized and simplified life.

One of those turning points for families that is coming right up is the end of the school year. As children move up to the next grade or even graduate from elementary school, middle school, or high school, their needs and the needs of their families change. It’s a great time to get rid of toys the kids have outgrown, school papers that aren’t significant, clothing they have out-grown and more. Organizing in preparation for the laid back days of summer can let everyone feel more relaxed and give them more time to enjoy our favorite leisure activities.

Another great time for families to think about getting organized is during back-to-school preparations. Getting systems in place for sports activities, homework, school lunches etc., means that everyone can start the year with their best chance for success. Streamlining your kitchen during back-to-school can help make dinner preparations on busy school nights easier and more enjoyable. Creating a family command center can help keep schedules as well as paperwork under control. Having everything set-up before the first day of school can ease the anxiety of new beginnings.

And speaking of easing the anxiety of new beginnings, one of the most popular times to get organized is upon moving into a new home. People love to start fresh and make the most of their new space. Getting everything organized right as you move in makes for a more peaceful transition during what can often be a very stressful time. Having help to get everything in place more quickly can save you time and money.

Believe it or not, BEFORE you move is another great time to get organized. If you’re selling your house, decluttering and getting rid of things that aren’t worth taking with you is a project that is well-worth tackling before the house goes on the market. Organizing can also help get your house staged for a quicker sale and will help potential buyers picture the beautiful life they could live there. The final packing and moving will also go more smoothly if you’ve pared down your belongings and grouped things by categories that will make sense in your future home.

Other life transitions like a new job, a new family member, a home remodel, a medical crisis, or even getting a pet, can be the perfect transition moments to motivate a new organized chapter. I find that even the awareness of getting older can be a motivator. You might realize that you’re ready to move forward into your future and let go of all past “what-ifs.” This can be an excellent time to let go of that which no longer makes sense in your life and create a easier and more beautiful future.

If you find yourself at any of these moments, you find your “when,” feel free to reach out to us if you need help with the “what” and “how".”


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